Monday, April 26, 2010

7.19 Every Picture Tells a Story Quotes

Quinn: Your love for her won’t diminish us.

Clay: So you don’t think I’m weird?

Quinn: All I know is that if I could see my mom, I would stay up all night talking to her.

Brooke: Mother, another button please? The slutty milf look is sooo not you!

Josh: Please do your job: keep my trailer stocked with red vines and lube!

Julian: Hey Christian Slater, calm down!

Jamie: I’m bored.

Nathan: You can’t be bored, you’re seven. You have any idea how fun being seven is? You know who’s babysitting you tonight?

Jamie: Please say Junk and Fergie!

Nathan: Nope, me!

Jamie: Is this how you got mom?

Nathan: It took a lot more than a close shave to get your mom.

Jamie: Really?

Nathan: When I met your mom I wasn’t the nicest guy in the world. I was selfish and fought a lot, but your mom made me better. Your mom made Uncle Lucas good too.

Jamie: It must’ve been so cool having a brother…it’s like having your best friend over at your house all the time!

Nathan: You gotta remember Uncle Lucas and I weren’t really close when we were your age, but yeah, having a brother is like having an automatic best friend.

Nathan: Can I ask you a favor? Even though she doesn’t show it all the time your mom is still very sad that your grandma died.

Jamie: Yeah.
Nathan: So I need you to keep an eye on her to make sure she’s not too sad…be the man of the house.

Jamie: Okay.

Thanks to - OTHBlog

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