Tuesday, February 22, 2011

8.16 I Think I’m Gonna Like It Here Recap


Haley is looking at a picture of her mom.
Quinn is looking at a picture of her and Haley when then were young.
Brooke is making decorations for shower.
Nathan and Clay are waiting on bench.
Jamie is in his baseball uniform sitting on his bed.
Millie is putting on makeup.
Brooke is talking about her parents, Her and Julian are getting ready for their first adoption interview.
Nathan and Clay still waiting. They are waiting on Ian. He did not show.
Haley comes in Jamie’s room. She is overly excited for Jamie playing baseball. She is cheering and blowing whistles. She will not be able to come today.
Millie comes out dressed up. She was given the field reporter job. Mouth is excited for her. Millie is nervous.She leaves. She comes back in and tells Mouth she loves him.
Quinn is going to give Haley a brush that was engraved for her. Haley keeps calling and Quinn freaks out because she has to help set up for her surprise shower.
Brooke and Julian are on their interview. A young girl sits across the table asking questions. Brooke is happy because she felt like they were the perfect couple. Julian wishes they could have been a little more themselves.

Brooke is jumping on the bed. She is excited because they are getting a baby. Julian comes in. He asks when the shower starts. He says surprise things are hard to pull off. They play around and he starts jumping on the bed.
Haley is putting lunches together for Nathan and Jamie. They briefly talk about what the baby will be named but she tells Nathan that she wants to talk about it with someone else.
Quinn is helping Brooke decorate. She freaks out when Haley calls again. Julian is leaving to help coach. Quinn leaves to go get Haley.
Nathan is hitting the ball warming up the team. Ian pulls up with a girl. Nathan introduces Jamie to Ian. Julian is chasing butterflies in the field, blowing a whistle which is not used in baseball. Ian leaves.
Quinn is trying to get Haley to leave the house. She doesn’t want to go. Haley tells Quinn that she wants to name her baby girl Lydia. Quinn approves. They hug. To the side on the table is a picture of Haley, Quinn, and their mom when they were young.

Chuck is hitting trying to hit the ball. He misses. Jamie is up. He and Clay who is pitching make faces back an forth. Then they smile. He hits the ball.
Millie is freaking out because she has to write her own stories. She leaves her work at Mouths because she is running late.
Nathan and Clay are handing out the baseball jerseys. Jamie gets his. He gives Julian a “high-five” Chuck gets his and “chuck’s” Julian as he walks by. The kids laugh.
Quinn is still trying to get Haley out of the house. Haley has put together ice cream for the kids. Julian says it is the best part. Quinn is trying to get the kids and guys to eat quickly. She ends up telling Haley what is going on and tells her to act surprised.
Haley walks in Brookes house and everyone yells. Haley acts surprised and Brooke tells Quinn she knows she had to tell Haley

Julian, Clay, and Nathan are meeting Ian on a boat. Ian walks out with another girl.
Haley is all done up and girls are ready to open gifts.
The guys went to a bar. Ian is talking about his dad. Ian’s mom is dead.
Quinn gives a little speech about family and siblings. She gives haley the brush. They hug.
The guys are talking about siblings. Julian tell Nathan and Clay they are going to adopt.
Brooke is handing out champagne. Haley misses beer so she is getting other to chug it for. Brooke goes first. There is a knock at the door. She goes to open with beer in hand. It is the girl from the adoption interview.

Brooke is shocked. Chloe brought some cookies for Brooke as a thank you. She invites her in and lets her know that she has not told anyone about the adoption. The girls welcome her. Brooke says she is fashion student. Brooke tells Haley in private and Haley starts to scream. The girls look curiously. Everybody is convinced Quinn and Clay will be getting engaged soon.
Ian’s advice to Julian. “Don’t be a dick.” He says his dad never cared about him.
Millie starts going on about her new job and how Brooke is unemployed and Chloe looks confused because Brooke had not told her. Victoria comes in and announces she was in prison. Millie says she had been in jail. Chloe freaks out a little. Haley jumps in gives a speech talking about how Brooke saved Jamie. And how she is the best godmother out there. Brooke mouths thank you.
Brooke apologizes for not being totally honest in the morning interview. Chloe tell hers to be honest now. Brooke tells her about high school and her business and meeting Julian and how he is the best. She talks about how she wants to be a mom. Chloe thanks her and says she will think about it.

Ian is pitching balls on the field with a beer in his hand. Nathan comes out to him. Ian tells him his dad has come to only one of his games. Nathan and Ian have very similar lives. Ian asks if he and Clay want to be his agents.
Millie comes home. Mouth has written a couple stories for her and set camera up so they can practice.
Brooke is telling Julian about her day with Chloe stopping by and how horrible it was.
Haley is organizing gifts. She gives Nathan a big kiss. She says Lydia had a good time. Nathan likes the name. He says it is perfect.
Quinn and Clay are driving. He asks where her head is. She says thinking about something the girls said. She asks him to pull over to a lighted walkway. The trees have lights in them too.
Jamie comes to Haley dressed in his uniform. Jamie has written his little sister a message on a ball.
Quinn is walking trying to figure out why the place looks familiar. The images flash back and forth from when they were in comas and together in the garden. It is the same place. She tells Clay she loves him and loves the way things are. They kiss.
Chloe shows up at Brooke’s again. She lets Brooke and Julian know that she would like them to adopt her baby.

Thanks to - OTHBlog


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