Wednesday, April 20, 2011

8.18 Quiet Little Voices Quotes


Brooke: Hi, we’re having a baby.
Nurse: Honey, you do understand it takes about nine months?

Haley: Oh, I can’t believe you’re gonna have a little sister. She’s gonna need you to watch out for her and protect her. Do you know, by the time she’s your age, you’re gonna be in high school.
Jamie: And when you and dad were in high school, you had me.
Haley: That’s right… You’re not allowed to do that.

Brooke: I just don’t want to steal Haley’s thunder today. Especially for Jamie. If we have news first then we can tell them.
Julian: That’s very sweet of you, baby. But are we really getting snacks because I was kind of excited about that part too.

Haley: I’m a little panicked, can you tell me a story?
Nathan: Uh, story. Got it. What kind of story?
Haley: A story, any story.
Nathan: Alright. Um. Uh, I got nothing.
Haley: In the history of the world, any story that’s ever been told.
Nathan: Okay, I’m sorry. All I can think of is the Three Little Pigs… I don’t know why the Three Little Pigs, I have no idea.

Nathan: Okay, how about this, did I ever tell you the story about the high school clown-
Haley: Don’t say clown!
Nathan: I’m sorry, I’m sorry. Jerk. The high school jerk who fell for the beautiful, sarcastic girl who hated clowns.

Nathan: And they fell in love. And they have a son. And soon…
Haley: They’ll have a daughter.
Nathan: And they all live happily ever after. I promise.

Jamie: I think it’s cool how people celebrate the day you’re born. Like for the rest of your life they have cake and presents and they celebrate that you’re here. There’s something really nice about that. Even when your Aunt Quinn stuffs your face in a cake.

Nathan: (Flashback) When I saw you, I promised myself that if I could just get up, I’d walk straight over to you and I’d tell you how much I need you, how much I want you. Nothing else matters.

Nathan: You know, when your mom got hurt before you were born, I sat here and prayed that she’d be okay. And you too.
Jamie: Did you cry?
Nathan: Yeah, I cried.

Eric: Every child comes with the message that God is not yet discouraged of us.

Brooke: We need a name! Our baby’s gonna be born without a name.
Julian: Oops! My dad once told me about this baseball player named U.L. Washington and the “U.L.” stood for unlisted.
Brooke: We are not naming our baby “Unlisted”.

Quinn: Hey Brooke, name the people that Haley has slapped, Jamie wants to know.
Brooke: Well, let’s see, there’s Rachel, Renee and Nanny Carrie.

Haley: 353,015. That’s how many babies were born today. And this one is mine. Every child comes with the message that God is not yet discouraged of us.

Thanks to - OTHBlog.


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