Wednesday, October 28, 2009

7.07 I and Love and You Quotes

7.07 I and Love and You Quotes

Haley: Skills is gonna take Jamie for the day…just to keep him away from the TV.
Nathan: You know the first memory I have is sitting in my father’s lap holding a basketball. I spent my entire life trying to get me to the NBA, now he’s gonna take it away.

Renee: You didn’t tell me that the show was live.
Dan: It’s better this way; better audience, bigger ratings. After today everyone will know your story.
Renee: I’m nervous.
Dan: Don’t be, just speak from the heart and don’t forget to smile.
Renee: Mr. Scott? What happened between you and Nathan?
Dan: I murdered his uncle among other things. I’ll see you out there.

Clay: Look I have to watch Nathan’s and my careers possibly end on this nightmare TV show. You can go if you want.
Sara: Don’t be silly babe. I’m not going anywhere.

Haley: Nathan? Hey it’s gonna start soon.
Nathan: It’s been a good life huh?
Haley: Yeah. It’s been a wonderful life. You know, when this show is over it’s still gonna be a wonderful life because I love you and your son loves you and nothing that happens in the next hour is gonna change that.
Nathan: God, I needed to hear you say that.
Haley: Good. I really needed to say it.

Dan: They say that truth is the best indication against slander. So what’s the truth? Is she lying? Or am I about to become a grandfather again?

Dan: Believe nothing. Just because a wise man said it, or you read it in a book…words of divine order, or because your mother told you…it doesn’t make it true. Believe only what you yourself can test and judge to be true.

Clay: (to Nathan) Dude, having you around is so much better than having a puppy!

Dan: Falling in love is the easiest thing you’re ever gonna do. It’s the most exciting thing, the most powerful thing. That’s why falling out of love hurts like hell, but falling in love…there’s nothing better. It’s the best it ever gets.

Dan: A lifetime of love. Now there’s a miracle. Relationships aren’t always easy. I should know. I’m on my second marriage. How many of you are divorced? Divorce doesn’t just happen. And relationships don’t just end in an instant.

Dan: We all want to be loved…to be happy. So why aren’t we? Because we’ve become experts at sabotaging our own happiness. Feeling like victims, when in fact it’s the choices we make, the bad habits, the vices, the inability to show love and compassion. These are the things that tear us down. We’re not victims. We’re assassins when it comes to love and happiness.

Dan: Ah, we applaud the sentiment, but we don’t change. Why? Because we want what we want. So we do it, we say it, we try it and we victimize ourselves.

Renee: What is this about?
Rachel: What is what about?
Renee: I didn’t agree to this. (A lie detector test).
Rachel: It’s great television.
Renee: But…
Rachel: Here’s the thing: if you’re lying science will prove it eventually and if not…you have nothing to worry about. Don’t forget to smile.

Nathan: Do you believe this? Do you realize how ridiculous this is? The guy shot his brother at point blank range and now he has a hit TV show. He’s rolling out some rigged up lie detector machine and I have to sit 3000 miles away and just take it.
Haley: Screw him. I mean it. Let’s not even watch the rest of the show. It’s a nice day. It’s a nice life.
Nathan: How can you be so strong?

Dan: It’s a question of character. It’s really about who has better character. Is it Renee or Nathan?

Sara: Can I give you my two cents?
Clay: Sure.
Sara: This is all about that wide receiver, right?
Clay: Yeah.
Sara: I think you can do better.
Clay: Babe, this guy’s a big deal. He could change everything for me.
Sara: You said it yourself. He’s a bad guy.
Clay: And if I only represent good guys I may have no clients at all.
Sara: I don’t believe that. And I don’t think you do either.
Clay: The guy is great Sara.
Sara: He’s not great. He’s just a great player. And the man I love knows the difference. That’s what’s going to make you a great agent. You’ll find players that you can believe in and clients that become friends. You’ll find someone that has character, and integrity, and heart. And that will change everything for you. And that’s the man I fell in love with.

Dan: Sometimes we fall short of the people we were meant to be. Sometimes people do things they’re ashamed of. And usually after the guilt sets in, we make things worse. My son Nathan Scott is a good man, but sometimes people do funny things in the face of pressure and desperation, and the truth, well, the truth is an absolute. And the truth can set you free. My name is Dan Scott (True). I love my wife Rachel (True). My son Nathan loves me (True). I’m president of the United States (True). I’m Santa Claus (True). I didn’t kill my brother (True). Life is funny isn’t it? Sometimes bad things happen to good people and it isn’t fair.

Haley: I’m so sorry you had to go through this.
Nathan: I shouldn’t have been drunk at that party Haley.
Haley: You’re still young. We both are. I think we just forget that sometimes.

Clay: Sometimes I can’t see you anymore. I forget things about you, and I’m afraid I’m losing us…like the way you smelled, the sound of your voice, and the way you felt in my arms, and um…
Sara: If you let someone in…you’ll erase me.
Clay: I can’t.
Sara: Open the door, Clay…Clay, it’s okay. On the count of 2.

Rachel: So how’d you know she was lying?
Dan: He’s still my son. I raised him. I know what kind of man he is. Besides, it takes a con to know a con.

Clay: It’s not fair. We were supposed to have more time.
Sara: You still do. I don’t want you to be alone honey. You like her. Quinn. Why’d you send her away?
Clay: I don’t want to lose us.
Sara: You can’t erase who we were or what we had. No one can. We burned so bright together. You won’t lose that.
Clay: I loved you so much Sara.
Sara: You were perfect with me. And you always will be. But now it’s time to let go. It’s okay honey. I love you.

Thanks to - OTHBlog

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