Tuesday, October 12, 2010

8.05 Nobody Taught Us To Quit Quotes

Nathan: Is my girl frisky?
Haley: Crazy Frisky

Julian: what comes next?
Brooke: “I don’t know, for me I get to go visit my mother in prison and tell her that I sold my company. Good times.

Quinn: “some couples go bowling; we will change each other’s gunshot wounds.”

Nathan to Jamie: “So how are you doing without your computer or cell phone Mr. technologically grounded?”

Mia: “Don’t look at the bar, I said don’t look at the bar, jeez! I need you to be honest with me, do you think they are sleeping together yet.”
Brooke: “I think they had sex before he knew her name.”

Brooke: “Those people are screwed, kind of like Chase there.”

Alex to Chase: “You were amazing last night, but don’t tell the boss about that.”

Clay: “The wheeled us in here, and we’re walking out.”

Haley to Brooke: “Don’t focus on your work, focus on your life, your young, your beautiful, and in love. You have a wedding to plan, an amazing man who loves you. Focus on that, focus on Julian. Everything else will work its way out.”

Brooke: “Bros over clothes.”

Brooke: “Obviously there are things I regret, things I would like to take back, things I would change if I could, but we all have to live with the residue of our choices, and the consequence of our actions.”

Nathan: “Some people never get to touch their dreams, know what it feels like. Never find that thing they love, or get to do it for a living. Was it a tragedy that had it taken away from you, no, the tragedy would be to lie awake at night wondering ‘what if’

Brooke & Nathan: “For those of you who believed in me once, I hope you can believe in me again, for now I say goodbye to this chapter in my life. And I look forward to what comes next

Thanks to - OTHBlog


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