Tuesday, March 1, 2011



These are from othforums.com. We've not been able to verify them so take with a pinch of salt.

There are a lot of cute scenes with Nathan/Lyida and Nathan and Haley in the series finale. The voice overs are mainly Jackson doing them, that might change though but as of right now, it is Jackson doing them. This episode is a very good series finale and great ending for the show.

- The only ones Haley gets screen time with is Nate and Brooke and Lydia
- Brooke has twin boys, Jude and Davis
- Haley reopens the Cafe and Brooke helps out
- The ending is NOT on the river court
- The first flash forward is 6 weeks, then it is Lydia at 5 months and Brooke 5 months pregnant, then 7 months (when Brooke is pregnant, so it is really a two month flash forward) then another 5 months where we see Brooke/Julian with Jude and Davis
- Mia/Alex/Chase/Chuck/Madison are in this episode also
- At the cafe we see Haley with her guitar on stage and singing in the back ground
- About two cute scenes with Nate and Lydia
- DAN SCOTT will be in the series finale!!!! He only talks with Nate, he gives him photos of the kids. One of Lydia and another of Jaime playing baseball.
- The ending is Jamie walking all around Tree Hill and walking over the bridge and everything, and it reminded me of Lucas and everything. It is a nice ending for everyone

Source : othforums

Taken From : SpoilerTV : One Tree Hill - Episode 8.22 - Big Finale Spoilers | Spoiler TV


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