Tuesday, February 9, 2010

7.16 My Attendance is Bad But My Intentions Are Good Spoilers Recap

Taylor tells Quinn David left her in Haley’s kitchen. Taylor really liked him and no one has ever left her before. Haley comes in from waking up. The coffee is gone. Jamie’s cereal is gone. Quinn tells Haley about David. Nathan takes off with Jamie.
V finds Millie working at COB. She has steamed, priced and unboxed a shipment. She really wants to prove herself to her and Brooke. V says if things are bad, she can talk to her.
Nathan and Jamie go to Clay’s. Jamie said there were too many girls and not enough cereal at their house. They pour two bowls.
Brooke asks Julian how it’s going. He’s struggling with a scene. He can’t find the words for the guy to say to the girl so she knows he loves her. He doesn’t know yet but he’ll find them.
Haley and Quinn show up at Clay’s for breakfast. They said they’re hiding. Taylor shows up and then Lydia comes in .
Alex tries on an outfit and Julian wants it sexier. Brooke says she’ll alter it. When Julian leaves, she tells Brooke she’s sorry they broke up.

The James walk on the beach. Lydia asks Haley if they’re having more kids. Haley says it’s up to Quinn and runs off. Quinn tells Lydia about Taylor and David and Clay. Quinn asks if Lydia is ok without Daddy. She says today she is.
Miranda tells Grubbs she doesn’t like flowers. She can’t keep them alive. Grubbs asks if she’s scared to be his girlfriend. Miranda says he’s the one scared to not record an album.
Alex and Julian work on the scene. Alex has to get emotional. Julian and Alex hug. Julian’s dad says she did it.
Brooke is at TRIC. Grubbs says she should stick with water. She says she took a job to be near her ex and it’s painful. It’s worse to not be around him though. She apologizes for dumping on him. He says he understands. He knew it was over with another girl when she didn’t mean it when she said she missed him.
Millicent gets her paper signed off for class.
Lydia and Clay talk over coffee outside on the steps. She says he makes her happy. She says she’s sorry about his wife since she lost her husband. He says it’s hard to make new memories. She says it’s hard not to. They’d want that. To face their absence with dignity. He says he’s not as gracious about it.

Haley gets to the studio and Miranda needs help with Grubbs to record. She says he called her his girlfriend.
Julian asks Jamie if he wants to help.
Millie tells Alex she’s grumpy because of the meetings. She isn’t that bad. Alex is frustrated for having to do so many takes. Alex tells Millie those people at the meeting were once like her.
Alexander brings Brooke clothes. She tells him how to alter it. He says they’ll unveil in about a month. Alex walks up and Alexander tells her she looks hot. Brooke thanks Alexander for helping out. Alexander tells her he’s there for whatever she needs and kisses her on the cheek by. Julian watches on.

Brooke and Julian chat. She tells him he’s a natural. He asks if this is too hard for her and she says he’s ok. Alex’s dad tells Julian Alex has to be better.
Jamie walks around capturing video.
Nathan asks Brooke how she is. Brooke tells Nathan they’re trying to be friends. Nathan says let me know if you want me to knock some sense into the guy.
Millie is at COB. She chats with some customers. They recognize her as the model and ask why she’s folding clothes. She says she does a lot for the company.
Alex thanks Julian for everything. She asks about him selling his car. He put all the money up for the movie. He says she won’t let him down.
Lydia tells Haley she’s so proud of her and Nathan. Haley asks for advice on Taylor. Lydia says she’s always been on rebellious. Haley asks what’s up. She says she’s just checking in on her babies.
Grubbs and Miranda discuss the record. He says it’s too personal. Miranda says personal sells. She says man-up and make a record with her.
Jamie jumps on Lucas’ bed on set. He says he misses everyone.
All the James girls look at old pictures. Lydia announces she’s sick and starts crying. Haley asks if she’s going to be ok and Lydia says no.

Lydia tells the girls she has pancreatic cancer. She doesn’t have much time left. There are not many options. Lydia says she’s made a decision to live her life fully with her family. Haley tries to argue. She says she has come to terms with it and that’s how she’s going to do it. Quinn and Taylor argue. Taylor says she’s giving up…committing suicide. She tells her to take a picture and add it to the box.
Alex gives Brooke her clothes. She says it was a rough day. Brooke tells her she’s doing good.
Jamie shows Julian footage from behind the scenes. It’s Brooke. Julian says she’s pretty great.
Quinn shows up at Clay’s crying. She tells him about her mom.
Haley cleans up at home. Lydia asks if she wants to talk. H: what is there to say? I’m mad. It’s not fair. You say I have cancer and my whole world changes. What am I supposed to do with that? I call you when I need advice and when I’m sad or mad or happy. I need you to be here. Lydia says she’s always a part of her and she’s wonderful all by herself. She needs her to be strong. haley says she doesn’t want to be. Lydia asks her to be strong for everyone else who can’t be.

Quinn walks into an empty place where Lydia has called her. She says she should be resting. Lydia says this space as her name on it and it’s perfect for her studio. She’s paid her first 6 months rent. Quinn asks if she’s scared. Lydia says knowing her dad is there helps. Quinn asks if it exists. She says of course, she’s just going to miss all of that.
Taylor angrily packs. She’s not going to watch her give up. Taylor says she’s being selfish and Haley needs to quit acting like she knows what everyone needs. Taylor won’t stay and watch her die.
Miranda waters her flower and smiles.
Haley sits at the piano. Quinn sits with her and holds her hand. Haley says it’s not supposed to be like this. She says she’s glad she’s there. They cry. Lydia comes in and tells them to knock it off. She gives them wine. Lydia asks about Taylor. Haley says she’s gone. Lydia says she has to deal with it in her own way and it will be ok.
Millie goes looking for Mouth but no one is home. She tells the mirror she’s not plain and she’s fine the way she is. She frantically searches bags in the bedroom. She finds drugs but doesn’t take them.
She stands at a meeting and introduces herself. She tells everyone she’s fine and she’s not.
Alexander tells Alex she was good at TRIC. Alex says she’s letting everyone down. She tells him she sleeps with boys and asks if he wants to leave with her. Alexander says let’s get out of here.
Haley stands outside and Nathan comes outside. Haley says she’s not the glue, her mom is and everything is going to fall apart. Nathan hugs her while she cries.
Julian pulls down the lights on set and looks around. Brooke tells him he’s doing great. He says it means everything. He says he misses her.
Jamie watches video on his laptop. He asks about Haley. He says she’s spending time with her mom.
Haley and Quinn sit with Lydia and it morphs into a picture of them sitting the same way.

Thanks to - OTHBlog

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