Monday, February 15, 2010

7.17 At the Bottom of Everything Quotes

Alexander: Don’t worry about the bags under your eyes…it’s not like anyone will see the movie anyway.

Alex: Why are you still here!?

Alex: Ugh, I got no sleep, I was up all night.

Julian: Who was the guy?

Alex: Actually, it was a lot of guys….did your mind actually just go there?

Alex: I hate patio furniture.

Julian: Me too, it always gets so dirty.

Brooke: Mother, you’re glowing. In fact, you’ve been glowing for days. It’s getting weird.

Victoria: I suppose it’s because I’ve taken a lover.

Josh: Did you see Brooke Davis’ mom? I would totally hit that. Like today, I would hit that.

Brooke: Wouldn’t it be weird if they ended up together?

Julian: Yea, to tell you the truth I’m kind of envious of them…they’re going for it.

Lydia: You’re taking good care of my daughter. I remember they day you came to ask our permission to marry her. You were so nervous. But I looked into your eyes and I just knew

Nathan: What did you know?

Lydia: That you were gonna change my daughter’s life. And I was right.

Nathan: You are responsible for raising the woman who changed my entire world. I’ll never forget that Lydia. Thank you for saying yes.

Brooke: Sometimes our relationship seems so simple and easy…but lately it just seems like a mess. And there are days when I would like to dive into that mess.

Alex: If I really thought you and Brooke were just friends Alexander wouldn’t have been the one in my bed last night.

Jamie: (in front of a decorated living room) Now we can spend Christmas together!

Thanks to - OTHBlog

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